czwartek, 9 marca 2017

Renault Clio-english version

Clio is a car, whih was shown in 1990 as a replacement for Renault 5, so that's why they're looking barely the same. It's a compact car, mainly for cities, and the biggest engine of the first generation was 2.0 147bhp Wiliams. We are able to say that it was a ancestor of Clio RS, because the Wiliams team is one of the best F1 teams, at least in 90' was. That's why Renault cooperated with them in creating sports wersion of Clio.

I wolud like to focus on 2nd and 3rd generation of Clio, because thees aren't that old and they're cheap in maintenance.
Second generation of Clio was invented in 1998, it's remarkable for the curvy rear windshield, whih is unusual nowadys.

Interesting fact is that in 2001 Clio with central V6 engine with about 230bhp was produced. The more interesting fact is that it was powered on the rear wheels.

Unfortunately V6 Clio's are rare things and it's hard to find V6 today... However in 2003 there was a 3rd facelifting od Clio 2 and Renault produced few houndreds of new V6 Clio, but with 255bhp. The bad news is that in the same year, they invented Clio sedan, called "Thalia".
To don't get you blind, I'm posting a Clio 2 Phase II photo :D

Recommended engines are 1.4 75bhp, 1.6 110bhp... Clio isn't heavy so 110bhp makes it really lively. This engines are reliable and cheap to fix. The LPG installation is widely used in theese engines, do that makes you travel 100 kilometers for about 15-20 zloty (about 3 pounds!). Minimum mpg is 31, but I don't think if someone would be driving like me for this test. Normal mpg is around 38-40. Now something about diesel engines.... There are few of them, but the best choice is 1.5 dCi 65bhp or 68bhp, I don't recommend 1.5 dCi 80bhp because it's not reliable and everyone takes this engine as a punishment for human race... In case of 80bhp engine it's easier to say what can't be ruined in this engine, but if someone cares about it and maintenance it propertly, it will be greatfull and not that easy to ruin itself :P The mpg of 1.5 dCi is about 56 mpg in town and about 94 mpg on the road, but you have to very carefull, the average on the road is about 75-80 mpg. If we're talking about the interior, then Renault is always giving us plenty of choices, so in Clio's we can find leather seats, warmed seats, an automatic air condition in the highest versions of equipment. That's a lot of goods in such a small car.

For attention deserves model powered with 2.0 172 bhp, whih wants to overtake everything, like he'd saying "Lest drive faster, I want to drive faster, let's overtake everything". Production of Clio 2 was oficially ended in 2005, but in Romania it was produced until 2015. Theese cars was named often "storia". Clio 2 since 2003 didn't changed a lot, it's safe to say, that neither look or mechanics changed. The interesting fact about 2nd generation is 1.5 dCi, whih was endowed with common rail, whih has a high work culture.

Finally in 2005 the Clio 3rd came into dealerships, whih in my opinion has the best look, on the other hand the 4th generation is pretty too, but back to discussion. Third generation is a fresh looking car even today.

The sits are pretty comfortable and the suspension provides a lot of comfort, even on biggest holes in the road, and in high speeds does not act like a bath, or your grandmother's sofa. Clio has a mental problem, because versions with over 110bhp are really quick, and the low powered are like cart-horse. I'm not saying that the 1.5 dCi 70bhp is slow, like you can suppose, because it's not. I had Clio 3 with that engine for about year and a half and it was, I think, the best time of my life, mainly because of Renault. Of course it needed maintenance occasionally, but it had a lot of advantages, from the 80 mpg by the comfort of traveling, ending on the great heating. Of course it had some issues, such as rusting threshold or mudguard whih was made out of plastics... A few words about reliability. Well, what can I say? In 18 months I had to replace front shock absorbers and tiers for winter, and the engine oil. Of course I had to replace the whipers engines, a battery and that's basically everything. It was coused by not starting the car for about half of the year. Last repair was coused by my mechanic, I suppose, because an EGR has broken down after his attempt to clean it. Unfortunatelly this was the most expensive repair I made with this car, it costed me about 700 zl(about 142 pounds), the shock absorbers- 600zl(120 pounds) because it was Bilstein, so it's safe to say that when something broke down, it needed a expensive repair, but the whiper engines were unable to find, so I had to buy new ones...

Clio was ensuring me that after a long day, I will relax on the way back home. Trip to the seaside maybe? No problem, because highway speed doesn't torture Clio, and the mpg with 3 passengers is about 65-75 mpg. The big plus is ability to find a lot of replacement parts and small prices. Petrol engines in Clio 3, that needs attention are 1.6 110bhp and 125 bhp, they have 60-70mpg in town, and the 1.4 98bhp is not economic. It's mpg is about 43. I would like to talk about the interior, well... I had the cheapest version, whih was looking well and the plastics weren't squeaky. High equipment versions, like Initiale will suit the needs of every customer, with f.ex. leather seats or warmed seats, or even big radio screen. The 1st facelifting of 3rd generation took place in 2009 and Renault presented then Clio RS with around 200bhp made out of noncharged 2.0 petrol engine. Well... It's a small beast, rather for the track, because the exhaust can ruin your ears, the bills for the petrol and your massager will do the rest...

The production of Clio 3 oficially ended by the exhibition of Clio 4 in 2013, whih you can buy today for about 30k zl(5990 gbp) in pretty good shape, but it's a bit louder than the Clio 3 and it consumes more than 1 litre of diesel.

To sum up, Clio is a car to love or hate, thoose who hate it has never drove it before. That much of comfort in such a small car is unusual and I think that, this is the reason for you to drive a Clio, even just once, especially in special sport versions. They'll give you a lot of fun and satisfaction. The price of the Clio's  aren't that big, 2nd generation you can find for 5k zl(1k gbp), and loved "third" for around 12k zl(2400 gbp). Yes, I know that for this money you can get "VW Passat 1.9 TDI whih has only 15yrs and only 180k km on the clock" but think about amount of time to spent on fixing all the issues with this car. Yes, I know that Renault is commonly unreliable and maybe mine was less reliable than other cars with the diamond or women's vagina logo, but plenty of Clio 2 and 3 are reliable, unless you don't care about your car...

The post is a bit long and my english isn't good, but I hope that you had great time reading it :D

What's your thoughts about this small town car? Leave a comment below this post :D

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